Řešení a komentář úlohy A045:
1.Jxe5? Jxe5!, 1.Jc3? Vh1!, 1.Jxg3? Vxg3! * 1.Vc4! [2.Vd4#] 1.-Kxc4 2.Db3#, 1.-dxc4 2.Jdc5#, 1.-dxe4 2.Jxe5#, 1.-Vxe4 2.Vc3#, 1.-Jxe4/f5 2.Df1#, 1.-Je2 2.Dc2#
t) B.C.M. 10/2003: "1.Rc4! is the give-and-take (giving a flight on c4, but taking one away on e4) key to this traditional problem, threatening 2.Rd4. The mates are well differentiated as follows: 1.-Kxc4/dxc4/dxe4/Rxe4/Sxe4(f5)/Se2 2.Qb3/Sdc5/ Sxe5/Rc3/Qf1/Qc2." - p) "Very nice problem." (D.Friedgood, redaktor B.C.M., dopis 7.9.2003)
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