Řešení a komentář úlohy A72:
1.Ve6?,Ve4? cxd4!, 1.Sd7/c8? Vxd2!, 1.Dxd3? Sxd3! * 1.Sh3! [2.Dg5#] 1.-Ve7 2.Jf6#, 1.-Vf7 2.Se6#, 1.-Sc8 2.c4#, 1.-Ve3 2.Jf4#, 1.-Vf3 2.e4#, 1.-Vxd2 2.Sg2#
t) Bulletin K.K.Sucharev 2005, MT, 4.7.2006: "Somov theme is combined with change of mates and also functions of moves. It is necessary to note that all variants of the solution are available in initial position." (A.Bacharev & R.Larin) - Repro: 6. Čs.album, dg. A3.
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